Why is graffiti inspiring? It’s provocative, it’s cool, and doesn’t take formal training.
But when you’re playing on a “cosmic” level, it’s even better.
See, if you express your vision on a common street building or public property, it will get removed fast. You’ll get arrested if you’re caught in the act. And people will frown upon you.
But when you do the same thing at a much higher level, those same people will applaud your genius.
What most people don’t realize is—it takes the same amount of effort to aim for the streets as it does for the stars. It’s all a matter of where you direct your focus.
When you’re aiming for the cosmos, you’re in rare company. Few aim high—it’s lonely at the top. And those who reach the stars have boundless freedom to sprawl their vision across them. They’ve earned it.
Our world-class artists designed this piece to advise you to think big. And to help you remember on your way up: the rules change when you reach a high altitude. Get there.